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Only You Can Prevent Kitchen Fires

You convinced yourself that this time would be different. This time you were going to successfully make a meal. But before you knew it, the smoke detectors were loudly blaring down a horrifying shriek proclaiming your complete culinary collapse. The kitchen and your ambitious cooking aspirations were soon engulfed in flames. You managed to put out the fire only to find when the smoke cleared, charred remnants of a once promising dinner were all that remained. Don’t let this happen to you. 

Yesterday kicked off Fire Prevention Week so we decided to focus specifically on what you can do to prevent kitchen fires. The biggest mistake people make that leads to accidentally starting kitchen fires is when they decide to be a hero and make their own dinner. We don’t want you putting yourself or food in danger so we decided to provide you with helpful steps to prevent any and all potential catastrophic incidents of unpredictable combustion.

The old saying goes, “if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” This is a good thing to remember when facing the pressures of daily life. But it is particularly sound advice when the heat is not metaphorical, but literal because you’ve gone and set your kitchen into a fiery frenzy. Here’s what to do if you find yourself in this predicament.


We just want all of you to feel safe this fire prevention week and we’re here to give you some comfort. You can order from EatStreet online or on our free mobile app available on iOS and Android.

Hit us up anytime on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat to share your latest meal from EatStreet or if you laugh and stuff.